A KILMARNOCK man awaits his fate after he was caught in possession of a knife in the town.

Ryan Watson pleaded guilty to one charge when he appeared from custody at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Tuesday, December 12.

The 44-year-old admitted having a blade on him on the town's Welbeck Street on August 15 of this year.

Watson, described as a prisoner of HMP Kilmarnock who had previously lived in the town, was caught by police officers who were on foot patrol in the area at around 2.30pm that day, the court's procurator fiscal depute explained.

They added: "Police noticed that he appeared to be under the influence and when approached he was acting nervously."

Watson was then detained and searched by the officers who had reason to believe he was in possession of a controlled substance.

Upon executing their search, no substances were discovered however a "cheese knife" was taken from Watson. The blade was later measured to be seven centimetres long.

After officers found the knife, Watson claimed to have "no idea" that he had this with him. He was arrested and has been held in custody since that date.

While the Kilmarnock man's solicitor provided an explanation as to why Watson would have had the blade on him.

He stated that the 44-year-old had an "extensive record showing addiction" and that while Watson does not recollect taking the knife "in retrospect he believes he had this for preparing drugs".

He added that “Mr Watson is not someone who is prone to violence” referring back to his record that - while long - only showed one previous conviction for violence.

"One could infer that he did not have it [the knife] for violent purposes," he continued.

The solicitor added that Watson was a man who had been taken drugs, mainly heroin, for a number of years.

However, in prison he had been able to "stabilise" his addiction. 

“That has been some insight into what he has to do to change his life," he added.

Though as he concluded, he said: “Given his record he accepts that you have little alternative other than custody."

However, Sheriff Mungo Bovey opted against sending Watson straight back to HMP Kilmarnock.

Instead, he deferred sentence until the new year for reports to be gathered. Watson has been granted bail until then.