A Cumnock sex offender caught with horrific videos of child abuse featuring kids as young as four and six has dodged jail for collecting the sick clips.

Tom Andrews pleaded guilty to making copies of, and possessing, 18 moving images on his phone - 16 at the worst level of abuse - after a raid at his mum's house while living in Logangate Terrace, Cumnock. 

The bespectacled 38-year-old, now of Culzean Crescent, Kilmarnock, avoided custody for the sick sex abuse images but he was placed on further strict sex offender orders and told to complete community service. 

He previously admitted two charges of making copies of and possessing the photo images or pseudo images of children from May 22, 2020, and December 8, 2022, – with sentencing previously deferred for a risk assessment and social work reports. 

Ayrshire Today:

When he appeared at Ayr Sheriff Court on Tuesday, May 21 for sentencing, the procurator fiscal depute said: “Police received information of a device connected to the internet in locus. 

“On November 29 a search warrant was granted, which included two vehicles at the locus.

"On December 8 police attended and entry was afforded by the accused who lived with his mother.  

“Police identified themselves and cautioned all parties. A systematic search was carried out and internet enabled devices were recovered. In the accused's bedroom a Samsung phone was found which the accused took ownership of. 

“Indecent images of children were traced on the mobile device. At 11.35am he was informed he was under arrest. He said he understood the charge and made no comment. 

“Eighteen moving images showing explicit child abuse were recovered. Sixteen were category A [the worst level of abuse].” 

Descriptions of abuse videos read in court were too graphic to be printed which included a clips of children as young as four and six being subjected to vile acts. 

She added: “At 4.30pm the accused was informed he was under arrest. He was cautioned, charged and indicated he understood the charge."

Defence solicitor Quinton Muir said: "He is a 38-year-old single man, you will see in the detailed report he is on a zero hours contract.

"In context it was a relatively small number.

"He is really anxious to avoid custody. He has his own vulnerabilities socially and inevitably the conviction and publicity will do little to assist these.

"He would cooperate with any non custodial disposal. He has no issues with the SOPO [Sexual Offences Prevention Order] or different terms specified. He fully understands the [sex offender] registration requirements.

"He understands your Ladyship's disapproval of this type of offending and full of remorse.

Ayrshire Today:

Sheriff Maria Kicinski said: “I have taken into account what was said by the prosecutor and including your own solicitor.  

“As said you accept this was appalling offending and plead guilty at the first opportunity and I have duty to take that into account. 

“In light of what is said in the social work report and comparable lack of offences I am satisfied there is an alternative to custody available."  

He was put on a community payback order for three years under strict supervision and told to complete 50 hours of unpaid work. 

He will remain in the sex offenders register for three years and ordered to take part in the Moving Forward Making Changes programme during this time, which aims to change paedophilic behaviours.

Sheriff Kicinski placed him on a further Sexual Offences Prevention Order with 11 conditions restricting access to under 18s, use of internet-abled devices and where he can live.