A new lifesaving defibrillator has been installed in Troon. 

A number of groups have come together to support the installation of the device in the town's Meadowgreen area. 

It is sited outside Willis Pharmacy in Deveron Road, and was installed with the help of Troon Round Table and residents of Spallander Road. 

A Troon Round Table spokesperson said: "We were delighted to be approached for a donation to support the installation of a defibrillator in the Meadowgreen area. We were thrilled to help meet the target for this life-saving project.

"We're even more delighted to see the defibrillator now installed at Willis Pharmacy on Deveron Roa. A big well done to everyone involved in making this happen.

"We hope this device never needs to be used, but it's essential for everyone to know where it is located. Spread the word—you never know when you might need to save a life!"